
makes a couple enemies harder. varying degrees of harder.


Hawthorne.dll 227 MB
95 days ago

Get Salt Enemies "TM"


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Already posted the issue to Marmo's Fools, but found a bug between this and that.
When mimicking Warsaw's move Hack to Chunks, the Camera Lens enemy freezes and locks the fight, needing a reset.

I think something about how the move handles being able to move confuses the enemy, as it has no idea how to interpret that. Searching for something that isn't there.

ah, I think I know why that is. Unfortunately I cannot fix this on my end. While I can bring this up to Marmo there is no guarantee he will fix it either because generally he modding community doesn’t really care too much about cross mod bugs. Sorry about this! (Also even if marmo does fox it he usually releases his bug fixes in larger patches so you may still have to wait a while on this one)